EQUIPMENT DAWMAC Mini M1Focusrite Scarlett 18i20Monitors Yamaha HS50M SOFTWARELogic Pro 11Ableton Live 11Plugins: Waves,Izotope, Soundtoys, Softube, among othersVirtual Instruments: Native Instruments Komplete, Spectrasonics, EastWest,Spitfire Audio, Cinesamples, among others. MICROPHONES1x Rode NT2A2x Rode M51x Shure SM571x Shure SM58 INSTRUMENTSElectric Guitars: Fender Stratocaster American Player. Gibson Les Paul Studio, Washburn Acoustic D 10C/EBElectric Bass: Fender MustangOther string insruments: nylo guitar, banjo, charango and ukelele SYNTHS AND KEYBOARDSYamaha Montage 6Yamaha Reface CS, DX, YC i CPRoland Sonic Cell